Interactive Coloring

drag iconDrag any color from the left toolbar to an area or text in the page. A blue outline will indicate a droppable element.

drag iconOn mobile, wait a tiny bit until you drag the color drop.


[alert type=”success”]This is the alert text and this is what it looks like![/alert] [alert type=”info”]This is the alert text and this is what it looks like![/alert] [alert type=”warning”]This is the alert text and this is what it looks like![/alert] [alert type=”danger”]This is the alert text and this is what it looks like![/alert]

“Man the capstan! Blood and thunder!—jump!”—was the next command, and the crew sprang for the handspikes.

You can also dismiss messages

[alert type=”success” dismissable=”true”]This is the alert text and this is what it looks like![/alert]